We are Ring of Fire Metals

Ring of Fire Metals is the new name of Noront Resources. In April 2022, Wyloo Metals became our parent company.

Wyloo is based in Perth, Western Australia and has other activities in both Canada and Australia focusing on minerals that help the transition to a low-carbon future. This is important as decarbonization is needed to reduce greenhouse emissions and reduce climate change and global warming. A number of the Wyloo team members have visited our Toronto, Thunder Bay and Esker Site locations to get to know our team over the past few months – they even got to experience the minus forty weather at Esker this past November!

Though we work in different climates, terrains and time zones, we share the common goal of developing the next generation of mines, in partnership with local communities, that will produce the raw materials needed for a clean and sustainable future. Since the takeover, Ring of Fire Metals has reopened Esker, grown our team at all operating locations, partnered with Outland Youth Employment Services (OYEP) and has signed an MOU with Webequie First Nation, a significant and exciting milestone. We are continuing towards our goals with excitement as we embrace the journey towards responsibly developing the Ring of Fire.