Ring of Fire
People are at the heart of the work we do.
We are building Eagle’s Nest with First Nation communities through a co-management approach by forming genuine partnerships and mutual collaboration. We work alongside contractors, suppliers and surrounding communities to ensure our goals meet theirs.
Our People Strategy includes:

CA$100+ million in contracts to Indigenous-led businesses
Through genuine partnership, Wyloo will provide opportunities for Indigenous businesses to participate in the economic benefits provided by Eagle’s Nest development via direct contract awards, assisting with access to capital and providing practical business support, including capacity building.
Training and employment
We will establish a training and employment program that provides guaranteed employment for trainees upon completion, empowering Indigenous and local communities.
Local participation
We will focus on local participation at our Esker Site, where Indigenous employment of over 50 per cent was achieved in 2023.
Social development
We support social development programs that are co-designed with First Nation communities to assist in the key focus areas of education and healthcare.
Community engagement
We implement community engagement practices that focus on informing and showcasing materials, plans and site maps to enable local communities to be involved in educated and informed discussions about decisions that impact them.

Everything we do supports our approach to protecting the environment and the viability of local communities today and into the future. We are extending ourselves beyond the status quo by adopting the latest processes and technologies to develop Eagle’s Nest as a net zero emissions mine.
Our approach to preserving and maintaining the local environment incudes:
Small footprint
A modern mine design with a physical surface footprint of around one square kilometre.
No tailings on surface
The first mine of its kind where 100 per cent of tailings will be stored underground, using these tailings to backfill underground voids created by extraction. Additionally, aggregate rock from the underground stopes can potentially provide material supplies for regional infrastructure.
Minimising surface disruption
This includes no surface quarries, no open pits, no waste rockpiles, and a mine plan that is designed mainly on uplands rather than on peat.
Process water recycling facilities
These will minimise total water usage and avoid discharge of mine effluent back into waterways.
Environmental monitoring
With feedback from First Nation communities, we diligently engage in environmental monitoring to assess and address the impact of our activities. This includes a commitment to avoiding large bodies of water and enacting a species-at-risk impact mitigation plan that has been developed by ecological consultants.

The health and safety of our employees is our most important priority. Our motto of “I’ve got your back” is something we live and breathe at Esker Site every day.
We possess a strong culture of safety and reporting, driven by our approach to looking out for everyone.
We were awarded the Association for Mineral Exploration ‘Safe Day Everyday’ Silver Award in 2019 and the Bronze Award in 2020 for zero reportable injuries.

Governance is critical to how we identify, explore and move forward with the development of our Eagle’s Nest Project. We embed governance as a critical part of the way we will achieve positive outcomes for all our partners.
We demonstrate our approach to governance through:
Upholding our core values throughout the development of our Eagle’s Nest Project, with a focus on robust sustainability governance and management oversight at all levels of the Project.
Incorporating Indigenous values and fostering co-management with our First Nation partners in all phases of the Project, including construction and all cycles of the mine-life.
Establishing a culture of radical transparency by adopting a “glass box” approach, ensuring open access, clear reporting and insight into management of the Project.